Here’s an example how you can convert Map to Array of object:


const convertMapToArray = (map) => {
    return Array.from(map, ([name, value]) => {
                                return { name, value }
                            }); // convert using Array.from

const map = new Map();

map.set('key1', 1);
map.set('key2', 2);

const convertedArray = convertMapToArray(map); // function call



[ { name: 'key1', value: 1 }, { name: 'key2', value: 2 } ]


Here, the Array.from method is used to convert a map to an array of arrays. So, if we use Array.from(map) then output will be [ [ name: ‘key1’, value: 1 ], [ name: ‘key2’, value: 2 ] ].

But here we want an array of objects so in the second argument we will pass below the callback function which converts array of arrays to array of objects.

([name, value]) => {
   return { name, value }

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