Since you are here reading this, you must be an app owner, or an app maker, or someone swirling thoughts about making an app, or lastly a person having good habit of reading and accumulating knowledge.
As far as studies are concerned, there are three most prevalent categories of app or we can say the three core purposes of developing and marketing an app.
- mCommerce App: In the first category, an app developed or owned by a person for his/her business purpose; in order to walk to the right of technology and expand the business the way people like to deal or transact these days i.e. online or we can say everything at hand, is included.
- Ad Networks App: In the next category, falls an app developed and owned by a person in order to earn via versatile advertisement campaigns, what we can call Ad Networks, and other platforms related to this. Read how to add Google ad sense to your app: ReadFurther evaluated way to add Google Ad Sense to your app:ReadAd Mob to Monetize Your Android?iOS App: Read
- Paid/In App Purchase App: And the last category includes an app developed and owned in order to sell it to a particular group of people. These apps are paid apps and downloading the same will cost you certain amount to be paid.
- Freemium App: Subcategory of the above is an app that is free of cost initially, but will charge you some amount if you want to use the premium feature or some extra feature available in it at some minimal cost.
The above information can be helpful to you regarding the decision of what sort of app you should develop. However, the next phase will tell you how to earn through your app, and how can your app be discovered by people.
How to Get Your App Discovered, Downloaded, and Utilized by People?
- A Good App is More Than Half Done: We all have heard about the popular phrase,
“Well Begun is Half Done”.
The same applies to your app, if you want to earn a living or even more out of your app. Following points you should keep in mind in order to develop a good app:Usefulness- Create an app, worth downloading. It should be useful for people and should help them when needed. Simply think about an app that people would like to use daily for some purpose or other such as to manage their tasks, budget, and related day to day matters.
Read this awesome statement by WhatsApp Engineers about Building a Product for People instead of turning People Into a Product:
User Friendly- For an instance if you built an app worth downloading but you failed to leverage the user friendliness; you will fail, no matter how resourceful the app is.
According to the Google Think data, 2 out of 3 people will use your app only if it simplifies their lives. Source: Think with Google People Opt For Applications In Order To Make Their Life Easier. Not Troubled.Attractive- Since we have reached an era of digitization, we always need something creative and attractive to use, to entertain our self, and to soothe our eyes. Similarly, an app would be preferred by people if it is more attractive than attractive. Having attractive and animated graphics, icons, and more will do it for you.
Robust- Robust here includes swiftness, compatibility, and ease of surfing. An app should be compatible for all sized smartphones, alongside swift. And why it shouldn’t be? Who would want to waste time on slow apps, when we have lots of other tasks to complete, ranging from updating status on Facebook to tweeting on twitter up to uploading a candid picture on Instagram, and more. -
App Store Optimization- Believe it or not, 50% of app discoveries takes place in the app market i.e. app store. Read this study put forward by tech crunch during Oct, 2014.
App store optimization is a technique of making an app discoverable in the app store search by using certain regulated app store tactics and basics.
Now if you own an app, you should look for an ASO expert or you can learn it yourself. However, it is better to get specific work done via experts instead of learning and applying it yourself.
(Paid) Ads on Websites, Other Apps, and more- If I had to earn in a country, I would research and read the surveys done by prevalent sources of that country. I would myself read and study about the trends and economic conditions over the years of that country.
Similarly, if you are an app owner you should look for no further than Google itself. What we mean here is, Look-Study-Read-Research sources and insights provided by Google itself.
And according to them, an app discovery not only takes place within the app store, but also is found by people as a matter of coincidence or we can say easy on versatile platforms such as on websites, other apps, and related paid modes. Read here for complete guidance on app marketing insights-
Facebook Ads, Twitter Ads, Pinterest Ad, and more like these can be of utmost help to get your app downloaded by tons.
- App Promotion via Video- Not after reading the sources, but through our personal experiences, we found app videos as one of the most useful sources of app marketing, and to get your app discovered.
Now, just creating a video and uploading it to youtube might not be enough to get the app discovered by millions and downloaded by thousands. You need to optimize the video, share it on innumerable social and other platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram, WhatsApp and more. Cover as much social media platforms as possible. But never expect quick results, especially if you have not read the first paragraph ‘A Good App is More Than Half Done’
App Promotion in Groups and Referrals- Not the last thing you can do to get your app discovered, but certainly the last most effective way to get your app discovered and downloaded by people is, App Promotion in Groups, in Person, and on Social Media Platforms.
By the word group, what we mean to say is, Groups we usually find on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter (named as lists), and Groups in Chatting Messengers, and many more.
Referrals are the next best unpaid option to promote and get your app downloaded by tons of people. Referral in sense let the people around you discover your app. This is the biggest and most useful source of getting your app discovered by people. Slowly the chain will grow in multiplicity and will reach thousands, if only your app is something really adorable and useful.
Create Facebook Page for your app, Interact with versatile users and groups, Share Your App Features and What Benefits/Ease Your App can Provide. And The Other Half is Done! (Well begun is half done)
Google Sources To Read for App Promotion Knowledge and Ideas- (Remember! Google is a country and we have to set up a business here)
Don’t Forget- To earn a living or more out of your app, it is necessary that people must/should utilize your app on a regular basis. Instead of downloading it for instance and removing the same, for it was of no use to them.
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