Any individual website or web portal that works on the principle of SEO, for them it is mandatory to have plagiarism free content to get more bang for the buck. An integrated approach to SEO friendly content marketing makes it worthwhile in the long run. Gone are the days of paid linking schemes and black hat practices like keyword suffering that resulted in a bad user experience with the very low focus on the quality of content.
None of us want to have such content that does not feature appropriately in high-ranking SERPs results or is not marketed well as per the industry-oriented keywords. This is where the plugins of ROR come in. It is not only beneficial to empower your rails installation, but helps to optimize your website with free and fledging SEO plugins and also helps to streamline the errors in your website.
Here, I am presenting you with ROR plugins for SEO to make your site work better according to Search Engine Optimization practices:
Technical Search Engine Optimization for Ruby on Rails
Rails SEO is being used for various technical tools to rank on the top in the search engine results page. This is the reason, same business sector websites perform differently in the search results, because one of them is SEO optimized and another is not.
SEO is divided into two different categories: The technical side and the content side. In this blog, we will focus on the technical side, because we are software programmers and betterment for Ruby on Rails development is our sole responsibility. Content is the king and Google loves high quality content. An SEO optimized Rails application with the considerable technicalities won’t rank in the search engine result page, it does not have quality content for the search engines.
Must Have SEO Tips For Ruby on Rails:
It is advisable to bookmark this article and implement the listed below techniques and get your website rewarded.
1. User-friendly URLS
Defaultly, URLs in the Rails show the ID of the object. It is not good as per the SEO perspective. Page centric URLs are a good way to tell both search engines and users about the page. You should keep the URL: “silvercloud,com/benefits-of- using-rails, not silvercloudcom/pages/categories/14.
The most convenient way to do is use of gem friendly_id. It helps to build the URL object by its slug. Yes, there is a Railscasts and its a free GoRails episode.
2. Meta-tags: Title, Description, No-index
Meta-tags are one of the most essential in your SEO for ROR app or any other website. It is very important to get this right and show it accurately if you want to rank on the top in search engine. You can also use the gem ‘meta-tags’ to customize those meta-tags in Rails.
3. Add a Sitemap
A sitemap helps search engines and other bots to discover your content. Without it, robots have to crawl your website making use of the links in your content. As a result, several pages, away from the homepage without direct links are much less likely to be found that will surely hurt your Rails SEO.
Build your own sitemap to add in your Rails app or you can also use the popular gem ‘sitemap_generator’.
4. On-page factors
In the WordPress, most of the templates are designed with inbuilt SEO practices without even noticing. Where the blog post title is put as an H1 and you don’t have to think about HTML5 tags. However, you have to develop those good practices inside your Rails app.
Make use of use of semantic HTML to help search engines figure out, what is significant and what’s not.
Nothing has been mentioned officially, but it gives more power to what is there in between the <header> tags and less for the <footer> tags. There are other significant tags <main>, <article>, <section> , <aside> and <nav>.If you have an article page with a sidebar, navbar and nice article and a footer.
Go to layouts > application.html.erb and modify:
There are many different ways to organize your content architecture; however, this is a pretty solid one.
5. Honorable mentions about Rails SEO
Here are some interesting pieces to improve your rails SEO. In the future version of this article, I will ensure to add more details about it.
Top google search engine results are secured with HTTPS, as per Rand Fishkin, MOZ expert switching from HTTP to HTTPS it is more than just a Rails problem. Whereas on the Rails side you will have to buy an SSL or use a free one.
Google considers the speed as one of the ranking factors. You will be required to work with client-side caching, server-side, jQuery and CSS files, CDN. There are lots of other things to do, but it could be a long article and ensure to discuss it in the upcoming Rails article.
that resulted in bad user experience with the very low focus on the quality of content and content marketing
The Bottom line
To sum up, your Rails application is much more likely to rank higher than your competitors in the SERPs results. Follow the listed above guidelines with the very basic knowledge of ROR and stay on the top in Google’s search results. Make your web code become neat and comprehensible using the listed above guidelines and plugins. And it will also help web crawlers to perform your website better and will help to identify the keywords in search engine results.
Bacancy Technology is a top-notch ruby on rails development company with over 5k+ delivered git commits and 100+ rails applications developed. Hire Ruby on Rails developer from us to integrate resourceful SEO plugins and extensions to your existing or new RoR based application. Hire ROR developers from us to let our skillful programmers delight your users and take that weight off your shoulders.