Quick Summary:

Whether a product owner or a business owner both come across a considerable stretch of data daily, the data thus obtained is collected as a ‘Datatable.’ The term, though, sounds simple and familiar but contains a vast stretch of detailed information. So, in this blog post, we have consolidated a few Best Vue Datatables in 2024 out of many Vue Datatables that you can choose for your upcoming project.

Table of Contents


Before we jump onto our topic, ‘Best Vue DataTables in 2024.’ Let us first understand ‘What is a DataTable?’ A DataTable is a tool built on the foundation of progressive enhancement and plays a vital role for any business owner or admin templates. These are mainly beneficial for representing the data in a tabular format, adopting the responsive web design, and developing various other approaches for establishing tables that can scale conveniently and efficiently well in different viewport sizes.

Best Vue Datatables in 2024

Elegance is essential in web application development. Similar is the case with a data table regarding presenting and organizing the information. Additionally, it contributes to presenting the performance of your business, growth status, sales data, and popularity. Now that we know What is Datatable and have a basic overview of the topic. Let us move forward with the Top Vue Datatables we selected based on our experience with your web application development.

Vue Datatables in 2024

? Vuetable

The first Vue Datatable in our list of the best Vue Datatables in 2024 is Vuetable. Vuetable is a Vue 2.x reusable data table component. The Vuetable allows you to convert JSON data into HTML table format. And, as the Table is generated in HTML format, it can work with any CSS framework.

Vuetable offers several exceptional features that are beneficial during your web application process. The most significant one is the Fields definition which allows you to define fields that can be used and manipulated before displaying.

The first step involves defining the JSON data structure to be presented in the HTML table. Then, configure the Table to display data in any preferred manner. After that, you can create the wrapper component to contain the UI/UX of your data table component in a consolidated manner for a consistent look and feel. The Vuetable Features include

  • Define Fields for mapping the JSON data structure for display
  • The choice of Single-sort or Multi-sort based on the API support
  • Customize the Field Data Display using a formatter as per requirements
  • Operating with data from API endpoint or existing data array/object
  • Perform advanced field customization with the use of scoped slots and field components.
  • Included Pagination components like Swappable, Extensible, or as per your convenience, write your own.

? Bryntum Grid

The Bryntum Grid is a grid component by Bryntum. It is an ideal option for enterprise-grade solutions with several essential features like paging, sorting, filtering, and inline editing. It also presents drag-and-drop functionality for reordering rows, low columns, context menus, and hide-and-show columns.

It is Performance centric and strives for quick initial rendering and FPS when scrolling. Generally, it is a pure JavaScript grid, but it possesses a Vue wrapper and many other demos that can be beneficial for integrating it into your Vue applications. Some noteworthy features of the Bryntum Grid are:

  • Locked columns along with a draggable splitter
  • Editing cells along with Custom cell rendering
  • Filter, Search, and Quick Find
  • Read Only Mode and Keyboard Navigation
  • Option to Export as PDF, PNG, and Excel
  • Resizing and Drag and Drop Reordering of Columns
  • Group Rows and Headers
  • Option to Customize the Content of Cells and their Appearance

? KendoVue Grid

Another of the Top Vue Datatables in our list is KendoVue Grid, a component rebuilt from scratch with Vue, with charts, forms, and more. KendoVue Grid offers better Performance in terms of reactivity, along with customizable rendering of the grid cells. In addition to the essential CRUD functions, filtering, grouping, paging, and the usual suspects, they have some other features like reordering columns with the drag and drop option, scroll modes (along with virtual scrolling,) and internationalization. The features of KendoVue Grid are

  • Data operations. Editing. Filtering. Grouping. Paging. Sorting. Selection.
  • Export options. Excel export. PDF export.
  • Custom Templates. Cell Template. Header Template. Detail-row Template. Master-detail Template. Group Header Template.
  • More settings. Column features. Scroll modes. Globalization.

? Vue Handsontable

Handsontable is a JS component that allows wrappers for Vue 2 and Vue 3. The grid component is almost identical to the User Experience of spreadsheets; therefore, it is very familiar for the users when editing the data. You can easily integrate it with any data source, and it has many features for custom views like freezing, resizing rows, and powerful context menus. It allows validation, data binding, sorting, filtering, and CRUD operations. The features of Vue Handsontable include

  • Cell types
  • Formula calculations
  • Column filter
  • Column groups
  • Column summary
  • Row parent-child

? Syncfusion Data Grid

The Syncfusion data grid is a part of the extensive UI library of Syncfusion. It is effective in cases of handling comprehensive data without any performance loss. The tables here support the inline CRUD operations, exporting of data, filtering, stacked headers, row grouping, and other similar features. Syncfusion concentrates mainly on being touch and mobile-friendly and supporting WAI-ARIA for accessibility.

Data Binding is a flexible aspect to it as it handles various local and remote sources. Combined with JSON, Syncfusion becomes an ideal option for SPAs. It is a perfect choice for enterprise-grade and data-heavy applications. The whole library of Syncfusion is available for individuals and smaller companies. The core features of Syncfusion are

  • Data Sources: Binds the grid component with an array of a JSON object or DataManager
  • Copy to clipboard and Export to Excel, PDF, and CSV Format option also available.
  • Several levels of Sorting and Grouping support.
  • Visualize the aggregates for column values.
  • Filter UI, like Menu, Checkbox, Filter Bar, and Excel at each column, to filter data.
  • Offers extensive RTL support and inherent support to Localize the UI.
  • Templates to create a custom user experience in the grid.
  • Switch between pages with Pager Bar easily.
  • Editing options for read, create, update, and delete operations.
  • Column definitions used as the data source schema in the grid involved in rendering the column values in the required format
  • Offers a list of actions to be performed within the grid. The context menu appears on a right-click on a cell, header, or pager is right-clicked.

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? ag-Grid

ag-Grid is a simple and decent vue datatable solution where ‘ag’ is agnostic, stating that it is available for many JavaScript frameworks. It is ideal for complex projects, but using it for a small project is not viable if you wish to have extensive functionalities like drag and drop for rows, grouping, or live updates. It is also ideal for handling massive data sets as it is entirely performance-centric.

You can use it free of cost for a trial, but if you wish for an enterprise-grade application, you must purchase the extended license. Also, it is highly customizable with no third-party dependencies, and you can easily integrate with other frameworks. ag-Grid possesses features such as:

  • The grid offers complimentary features like text, number, date, and set filters in the column menu.
  • You can configure columns in the grid by presenting a column definitions list. The attributes illustrate the columns’ behavior, e.g., title, width, etc.
  • Group columns into Column Groups, and also get the option to configure columns to show or hide the columns within the group.
  • You can fine-tune the display of your column header with features like changing Header, Height, and Text Orientation.
  • Resize your columns with the click-and-drag method and autofill to fill the grid width. Also, get the Auto Size columns to fit their content.
  • Create a custom filter per your requirements. The Date Filter enables filtering dates with {equals, notEquals, lessThanOrEqual, greaterThan, greaterThanOrEqual, inRange}. While the Text filter here permits text string filtering with {equals, notEqual, contains, notContains, startsWith, endsWith}.
  • The Quick Filter simultaneously filters all columns with a simple text search, the one available in Gmail.
  • The External Filter enables building filters that are outside of the grid. Example: Include your widgets outside the grid for assistance infiltering.
  • Row Sorting is a feature that sorts the data. You can quickly sort the data by clicking the header and simultaneously sort multiple columns by holding shift.
  • Create a Range Selection by dragging the mouse over the cells. This feature helps in highlighting data or copying it to the clipboard.
  • With the Grid Size feature, you can decide the height and width of the grid using CSS. If the size of the grid changes during runtime, the grid will automatically adjust to the changed size.
  • The column spanning feature allows the cells to span columns, similar to the Excel cell span.
  • Row Pinning enables pinning the rows to the top or bottom of the grid, which prevents the vertical scroll from moving the pinned rows.
  • CSS rules define the Cell Style depending on data content. Example: You can give a red background to the cells with negative values, and green on values greater than 100
  • Every grid column typically possesses a field where it gets the value to display. However, input more logic to control better how data is retrieved (for display) and is stored (after editing) with the family of Value Handlers.
  • Cell Rendering allows cell rendering values other than the simple strings.
  • The grid ARIA roles inside the cells for accessibility to enable navigation with screen readers.
  • The Keyboard Navigation allows navigating amid cells using a Cursor and Tab.
  • Navigate the features of the grid on a touch device with the inbuilt Touch Support.
  • With internationalization, as the name suggests, you can involve multiple languages support.
  • The core grid engine offers exceptional Performance. It uses row and column virtualization, animation frames, and many other techniques.

? JQWidgets Data Grid

jQWidgets Data Grid is of the few extensive Vue Datatables in 2024. It is a professional data grid component created using Vue.js. It presents a set of unique features needed for professional UI development and is also an ideal choice for enterprise-grade development. The features of JQWidgets Data Grif include the features like

  • Use the context menu or click on a column to sort the data. Also, the API allows the product owners with additional functionality to extend and customize the sorting process with custom sort and compare.
  • Sort your text numeric and data columns in ascending or descending order in jQWidgets Data Grid for Vue.
  • It has a flexible filtering feature; it possesses standard filters with context menus and an option to select filtering conditions and operators. The product owners can use a filter row that appears at the top of the grid.
  • It has a grouping feature that presents the grouped data by a specific column name. You can do it on the client and the server.
  • Paging is an essential feature that enables the grid to display data on pages with a configurable number of rows. It also allows moving the pages using arrow pointers both forward and backward and also to jump to a specific page by inputting the page number.
  • It offers advanced editing capabilities like dialog editors, cell editing, row locking, Inline rows, other custom validation, and editors.
  • You can export to various formats like Excel, HTML, CSV, PDF, XML, TSV, JSON, and data printing.

? Vue-Good Tables

Another is a Vue 3 Datatable, Vue-good table, a set of a few robust data tables for Vue.js. It presents extensive customization options like column filtering, pagination, sorting, grouping, etc. It is simple and easy to use, with an additional server-powered table, other features, and customizable types and themes. Some other additional attributes of Vue-Good Tables are:

  • Sorting and Table Search and Highly Customizable Style and Themes
  • Pagination and Column Filtering
  • Server Powered Table, Checkbox Table, and Grouped Rows Table

? Vue Easy Table

Vue Easytable is among our Top Vue Datatables, an open-source, powerful Vue data table component with virtual scroll support that helps manage big data sets. It possesses attributes that help build flexible grids: Filtering, Automatic Row Expansion, Row Selection, and Fixed, and Grouped Headers, among others. It also has themes for light/dark mode additionally. Presently, It is based on Vue 2. The core features of Vue Easytable are

  • Base components
  • Loading component
  • Pagination component
  • Contextmenu component
  • Icon component
  • Locale component

Table components

  • Internationalization
  • Theme Custom & Built-in theme
  • Virtual Scroll
  • Column Fixed
  • Column Hidden
  • Header Fixed
  • Header Grouping
  • Filter
  • Sort
  • Column Resize
  • Cell Style
  • Cell Custom
  • Cell Span
  • Cell Selection(keyboard operation)
  • Cell Autofill
  • Cell Edit
  • Clipboard
  • Contextmenu
  • Cell Ellipsis
  • Row Radio
  • Row Checkbox
  • Row Expand
  • Row Style
  • Footer Summary
  • Event Custom

Other Vue Data Tables Involved in UI Frameworks

Now that we have considered the Top Vue Datatables but above given Datatables for Vue are ideal for complex needs and requirements. But, when the goal is to display generic data, and no complex requirement is involved, you can refer to the renowned UI libraries and frameworks per your requirements. These UI libraries and frameworks offer advanced features like paging, filtering, sorting, selection, inline editing, and more. Below is a list of a few data tables involved in UI frameworks.

? Vuetify

When talking about the data tables for Vue js. How can we forget Vuetify? You can use this v-data-table component for displaying the tabular data. The Attributes of Vuetify include pagination, searching, sorting, content editing, searching, and row selection. Some core features of Vuetify are:

  • Hide default Footer and Header
  • Search and Row Selection
  • Grouping and Custom filter
  • Loading and Multi-sort
  • Dense and Filterable
  • Edit Dialog, CRUD Actions, and Expandable Rows
  • External Sorting and Pagination, along with Server Side Sorting and Pagination

? Buefy

Buefy is a user interface component library on top of Vue.js and Bulma, two new but renowned frameworks. Buefy has two core principles, which are to keep stuff simple and to be lightweight. The features of Buefy include the following:

  • Sandbox with Custom Template
  • Selection
  • Checkable
  • Searchable
  • Pagination and Sorting
  • Sorting Multiple
  • Detailed Rows
  • Custom Detailed Rows
  • Row Status
  • Custom Headers
  • Subheading
  • Sticky Headers and Columns
  • Toggle Columns
  • Footer
  • Async Data
  • Draggable Rows and Columns
  • APIs
  • Variables

? PrimeVue

Prime Vue is an open source-next-gen Vue UI with over 90 Vue UI Components with best-in-class quality that contribute to meet up all your UI requirements, and that too in style.


Given below are a few features of PrimeVue:

  • Dynamic Columns
  • Auto Layout
  • Templating
  • Match Modes
  • Flex and Full Page Scroll
  • Frozen Rows and Columns
  • Lazy Loading
  • Table State
  • Empty Message

? Quasar Framework

It is a component that allows you to present the data in a tabular format. It is effectively built to offer exceptional Performance, and that too in record time. The features of the Quasar Framework are as follows:

  • Add More Rows or Columns in Data Rows
  • Custom Selection Actions for selecting Single and Multiple Rows
  • Responsive Design
  • Column Picker and Custom Table Controls both for the Top and Bottom
  • Grid Mode (Using Qcards allows displaying the data in non-tabular format)
  • Pagination (server-side included)
  • Using Scoped Slots, customize the Rows and Cells
  • Sorting and Filtering

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? Element Plus

The Element Plus allows you to display multiple data in a simple format. It possesses several features like

Element Plus
  • Table Layout, Attributes, Events, Methods, and Slots
  • Striped Table and Table with border and Status
  • Fixed Header and Column in Table
  • Multiple and Single Select
  • Sorting and Filtering
  • Custom column template
  • Expandable row
  • Lazy Mode and Tree Data
  • Custom Index and Summary Row
  • Table with the fixed Group Header
  • Table with custom header
  • Table-column Attributes and Slots

Key Takeaways

We have consolidated this list of the Best Vue Datatables 2024 with our personal experience and research. Though all these Vue Datatables are ideal for your project, the optimal use of these is entirely based on your needs and requirements.

If you are also a product owner and need clarification about which Vue Datatable is the best choice for your next project. Hire Vue js Developer our team of expert Vue Developers can assist you along your web application development journey.

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