Quick Summary:

Laravel is among the most popular PHP frameworks among product owners, but it becomes handicapped if you eliminate its crucial part, the best Laravel packages. Yeah, sure, we are not here to eliminate or miss out on these precious gems from the framework. Rather, in this post, we are going to amalgamate the top Laravel packages altogether in place for your easy access. Also, we will categorize these Packages based on their Use Cases to help you with your web application development.

Table of Contents


Laravel has taken the PHP community by storm in a short time and hasn’t slowed down to date. With this ever-growing popularity, it is often recognized as the fastest-growing backend framework. The core reason behind this growing demand is its easy-to-implement modules, packages, plugins, and components.

Below are a few top Laravel packages categorically organized, which will help enhance your web application and performance.

What are Useful Laravel Packages?

Packages are one of the great ways to accelerate web application development and save your valuable time from the tedious task of writing the code from scratch. It can be freely reused anywhere in the code. Laravel has different-different kinds of packages; some of them standalone – Behat and Carbon are the best examples of such pages as they can be freely used with all the frameworks requesting COMPOSER.JS files.

In layman’s terms, Laravel Packages, also known as laravel plugins or bundles, are ready-to-use written scripts that you can plug and play into your application at your convenience.

Laravel’s packages deserve special attention because they minimize the code and improve the application’s maintainability.

How to install Laravel package?

The best Laravel packages can be divided into two main categories: Laravel specific packages and framework-independent packages. Laravel specific packages work exclusively with the Laravel framework, whereas framework-independent packages also work with other PHP-based frameworks.

Process of Installing Composer Package in Laravel

Composer for Laravel is what NPM is to JavaScript. When installing the package or plugin, it’s a straightforward process- write a one-line code in the composer.json file, and your job is done because the composer automatically pulls its package from packagelist.org.

To install the Laravel Useful package, the syntax for installing the command line goes like this;

Copy Text
composer require packageowner/packagename

Use the below command to fetch the updated package

Copy Text
php artisan update

To use the installed package, instantiate a new object

Copy Text
$package = new Package;

If the package is namespaced then;

Copy Text
$package = new PackageNamespace\Package;

To ensure validation at vendor/composer/autoload_* files. You can also ensure it from the main package source file.

Copy Text
vendor/vendorName/packageName/[src or lib or whatever]/Package.php

Buckle up your tech stack with the latest trending updates in Laravel!
Develop a low-maintenance, flexible & secure website in minimal costs and adorn it with 3rd party laravel plugins. Hire Laravel Developer from us and pose at the demanding nerve of the market edge.

Top Laravel Packages: Preserve Laravel Libraries List

Let’s have a look at the best Laravel packages to optimize the performance of your Laravel application.

Testing and Debugging Packages

Testing is a process of identifying a mistake within your program that, if ignored, can lead to malfunctioning issues and vulnerabilities within your web application. While Debugging is a method that can help find these malfunctioning and vulnerabilities, requiring a precision eye to understand and implement. Below are a few best Laravel Packages that can benefit your web application development.

Laravel Debugbar

Laravel Debugbar

One of my favorites among the top Laravel packages is Debugbar which I mostly use to audit the code. It adds a dev toolbar to display exceptions, debug messages, routes, open views, and DB queries for the application. It will also show the rendered templates and parameters that you have passed.

Usage: Add using the Façade and PSR-3 levels

Copy Text
Debugbar::warning('Watch out…');
Debugbar::addMessage('Another message', 'mylabel');

And start/stop timing:
Debugbar::startMeasure('render','Time for rendering');
Debugbar::addMeasure('now', LARAVEL_START, microtime(true));
Debugbar::measure('My long operation', function() {
    // Do something…

Github– 14.6k stars, 1.4k fork


Laravel Packages- Sentry

I am pretty sure that you are familiar with the Laravel error tracking service. Sentry has its own Laravel integration. For any unexpected error, you will receive an email outlining what’s wrong with the ongoing app. To inspect the entire block of code and track group errors, it’s a convenient feature for the dashboard.

GitHub– 1.1k stars, 167 forks



To manage the expectations and monitor the errors, it is another cross-platform tool. Just like Sentry, it offers fully customizable filtering and reporting. Instead of email, you will receive notifications through Slack and Pagerduty

GitHub– 813 stars, 126 forks

Laravel Dusk

laravel dusk

Dusk is a Laravel package that allows browser automation and API testing. Dusk presents real-time testing for the front end by running the tests in the browser directly and also allows them to realize the real-time user experience. Generally, Dusk doesn’t require JDK or Selenium installation by default, as it uses a standalone ChromeDriver installation, but you can use any other Selenium-compatible driver per your needs.

GitHub: 1.7k Stars and 297 Forks



Codeception is one amongst the best Laravel Packages List for automation and testing.
It collects and shares the best practices to help you test your PHP web apps. It is renowned for its unit testing abilities with a flexible set of included modules, and tests are easy to write, use, and maintain.

GitHub: 4.6k Stars and 1.3k Forks

Authentication and Authorization

Authorization and Authentication are the other aspects of web application development intended to prevent and curb any loophole or flaw from unauthorized access. It helps verify the data available with the information requested and delivers the same as per the authority, validity, and verification of the request. Below are a few Authentication and Authorization packages that can be beneficial for your web application development.

Laravel User Verification

Setting up a website and registering users, and you would need to have an email validation form embedded. The Laravel User Verification Package does the same. It is designed in a way that can store as well as handle validation tokens every time a user clicks for verification.

Installing the package

Copy Text
composer require jrean/laravel-user-verification

Edit the RegisterController.php file

Copy Text
public function register(Request $request)



   $user = $this->create($request->all());

   event(new Registered($user));



   UserVerification::send($user, 'My Custom E-mail Subject');

   return $this->registered($request, $user)

       ?: redirect($this->redirectPath());

Github– 794 stars, 110 forks

There’s an avalanche of Laravel Useful Packages!
Only the expert Laravel developers will find out the best Laravel packages for your project. Get in touch with the best Laravel Development Company!



This package comes in handy when it comes to adding role-based permissions to your Laravel 5 application. Entrust is divided into 4 different categories: Store role records, store permission records, store relations between roles and users and store various relations between roles and permission.

Copy Text
$admin = new Role();
$admin->name         = 'admin';
$admin->display_name = 'User Administrator'; // optional
$admin->description  = 'User is allowed to manage and edit other users'; // optional

Next, assign them to the user.

Copy Text
$user = User::where('username', '=', 'michele')->first();
// role attach alias
$user->attachRole($admin); // parameter can be an Role object, array, or id
// or eloquent's original technique
$user->roles()->attach($admin->id); // id only

Add role-based permissions:

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$createPost = new Permission();
$createPost->name         = 'create-post';
$createPost->display_name = 'Create Posts'; // optional
// Allow a user to...
$createPost->description  = 'create new blog posts'; // optional
$editUser = new Permission();
$editUser->name         = 'edit-user';
$editUser->display_name = 'Edit Users'; // optional
// Allow a user to...
$editUser->description  = 'edit existing users'; // optional
// equivalent to $admin->perms()->sync(array($createPost->id));
$owner->attachPermissions(array($createPost, $editUser));
// equivalent to $owner->perms()->sync(array($createPost->id, $editUser->id))

GitHub– 6.1k stars, 1.3k fork

No Captcha

No Captcha

The No Captcha Laravel Packages is designed, keeping in mind the need to avoid spamming activities. What the package does is implement the protection and validation of Google reCaptcha. The sole purpose here is to prevent all sorts of spamming and render the website error-free.

To initiate the package, you are first required to get access to the API key. This is available free from reCaptcha, and once obtained, you can then run the following.

Add the following in app/config/app.php

The ServiceProvider to the provider’s array:

Copy Text

The class alias to the aliases array:

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'NoCaptcha' => Anhskohbo\NoCaptcha\Facades\NoCaptcha::class,

Publish the config file:

Copy Text
php artisan vendor:publish 

GitHub– 1.6k Stars, 229 Forks



One of the simplest and easiest ways to handle OAuth authentication. Where users can sign in with the help of the most popular social networks like Facebook, Gmail, Twitter, BigBucket, and GitHub.

Copy Text
     * Obtain the user information from GitHub.
     * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
    public function handleProviderCallback()
        $user = Socialite::driver('github')->user();
        // $user->token;

GitHub: 5.2k Stars, 922 Forks

Laravel Jetstream

Laravel Jetstream

Laravel Jetstream is a renowned laravel package ideal for any laravel application development. It allows for authorization and authentication features like registration, login, two-factor authentication, session management, and other similar other features that help you meet your authorization and authentication requirements.

The Laravel Jetstream initially presents two frontend stacks, Livewire and Inertia.js, both almost equally powerful to start your web application development. However, your preferred tech stack depends on your preferred templating language.

Livewire + Blade

Laravel Livewire library allows the creation of modern, reactive, dynamic interfaces using Laravel Blade templating language. It is ideal if you wish for a dynamic and reactive application but doesn’t want to shift to a whole JavaScript framework like Vue.js. Livewire also allows you to opt for the components that would be Livewire components, while the rest you can render as general Blade templates.

Inertia + Vue

Inertia uses Vue.js as its templating language. Building an application on Inertia is almost identical to building an application on Vue. However, instead of a Vue Router, a Laravel Router is used. Simply, we can say that Inertia offers you the freedom from client-side routing and the full power of Vue. You get to use the standard Laravel routing and view the data hydration approaches you are used to.

Github: 3.5k Stars, 693 Forks

Email Tools, and Packages

Email is the best way to communicate with your end-users. Many web apps present features like collecting feedback and responses and sending newsletters. The PHP websites use the Mail()php method for sending emails, which is not ideal in terms of security. Hence, Laravel offers many packages that play a role in sending emails to different users. Given below are some latest Laravel packages and tools for emailing.

Beauty Mail

Another one in our best Laravel Email Packages list is Beauty mail, which allows creating stunning and interactive HTML emails. Also, it is ideal for things like welcome emails, passwords, invoices, reminders, or data exports.


Add the package to your composer.json by running

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composer require snowfire/beautymail

After installation publish the assets to your public folder

Copy Text
php artisan vendor:publish 

Configure logo url and social links in settings config/beautymail.php

Send your First Beauty Mail

Copy Text
Route::get('/test', function()
    $beautymail = app()->make(Snowfire\Beautymail\Beautymail::class);
    $beautymail->send('emails.welcome', [], function($message)
            ->from('[email protected]')
            ->to('[email protected]', 'John Smith')


Add the above given code to your routes/web.php

Then create, resources/views/emails/welcome.blade.php

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        <h4 class="secondary"><strong>Hello World</strong></h4>
        <p>This is a test</p>



        <h4 class="secondary"><strong>Hello World again</strong></h4>
        <p>This is another test</p>



Github: 1.1k Stars, 192 Forks


Sendgrid is again a popular Laravel Package for sending messages. It offers cloud-based email delivery and ensures the sending and delivery of those messages. Sendgrid also has exceptional tracking features with insights that include the number of users who opened the link, the number of times it is opened, and similar information.

Github: 1.4k Stars, 621 Forks


Mailgun is a Laravel package for sending emails via Mailgun API. It has an almost similar syntax to the Laravel Mail component. Though Laravel already has email-sending support via Mailgun API but doesn’t support several specific features. This Laravel package allows many unsupported packages like Open & Click Tracking, Tags, Campaigns, Schedules Delivery, Batch Sending, Custom data/headers, etc.


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Mailgun::send('emails.invoice', $data, function ($message) {
        ->subject('Your Invoice')
        ->to('[email protected]', 'John Doe')
        ->bcc('[email protected]')
        ->tag(['tag1', 'tag2'])

Github: 296 Stars, 116 Forks

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The sole purpose of creating a Spatie package is to allow you to embed roles and permissions within your application. Setting up different roles and admin permission on various activities within your website or the application is essential, considering the security and viability. There are several Laravel Admin Templates available for use. While you can give admin permissions manually, the Spatie Laravel Packages give you the ease to push roles right from the database.

Installing the package

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composer require spatie/laravel-permission

Push Migration

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php artisan vendor:publish -
-provider="Spatie\Permission\PermissionServiceProvider" -

Migrate to Database

Copy Text
PHP artisan migrate

Publishing Configuration Files

Copy Text
php artisan vendor:publish -
-provider="Spatie\Permission\PermissionServiceProvider" -

GitHub – 10.8k Stars, 1.6k Forks

Every e-commerce website wishes to offer a simple, secure, and exceptional UX. Similarly, Laravel ensures the same, which is why it is the most preferred PHP framework for creating e-commerce web applications with many advantages and advanced security. Below is a list of the best Laravel E-commerce Packages that can benefit your web application development.


AvoRed is one of the most popular Laravel eCommerce package preferred to create better management capabilities. With this, categories, attributes, and other product entities would be created to enable enterprises to have more control over customer orders, customer information, and inventory management. It also presents modular e-commerce services customized as per the user’s needs, with cross-device fucntionality in-built for creating mobile friendly web application solutions.

GIthub: 1.4k Stars, 526 Forks


Aimeous is another library integrated with PHP code that paces up the software process, allowing 100,000 daily orders without any hustle. It enables you to create a fully functional e-commerce website with advanced features for complex e-commerce solutions like Laravel multilingual SEO-ready tools and customizable themes. It is widely prevalent among product owners as it has exceptional speed and an optimized server.

Github: 5.8k Stars, 915 Forks


Bazar is a comparatively new Laravel package and is still nascent. It is mostly preferred for startups and small businesses. Multiple payment gateways, automated tax calculation, shipping costs, several extensions, and a seamless checkout process are some of its popular features. It can also be used to configure currencies, and cart behavior, among other things. Its clean and strong dashboard facilitates easy customization too.

If Bazar is recommended for small businesses, Laraship is for enterprises with multiple payment gateways. It offers a wider collection of themes and solid search engine optimization tools. Enterprises can exploit it to sell multiple products using just one window.

GIthub: 339 Stars, 48 Forks



Bagisto is a free and open-source e-commerce Laravel package that presents a wide range of functionality with complete control over your store. It also offers search engine and store management, allowing you to market your apps faster. It provides amenities like multi-warehouse inventory management options, user management, and more.

Github: 4.9k Stars, 1.6k Forks

Laravel SEO Packages

SEO is that part of any web application or website that gives it life in the world of search engines. It makes your website more visible to your target audience and allows it to reach a vast segment of your target group. Below are a few best Laravel SEO packages that can help optimize your Laravel applications.


AutoMeta is one of the best Laravel SEO packages and a Laravel Meta Tool that allows product owners to perform a few basic SEO functionalities. The features include:

  • Managing the website’s meta tags.
  • Fixing some common SEO issues.
  • Simplifying your overall code for search engine bots to crawl.

Github: 26 Stars, 14 Forks

Laravel Meta Manager

Laravel Meta Manager is an SEO tool that improves a website’s or web application’s SEO by adding relevant meta tags to your application. It has features like Standard Meta tags, Twitter Card Meta Tags, Dublin Core Meta Tags, Google Plus, Facebook Open Graph, Link Tags, and others.

Github: 114 Stars, 20 Forks

Laravel Seoable

Laravel seoable is among a few top Laravel SEO packages for SEO optimization of your web application or website. It involves a few SEO techniques that allow your web applications to rank and index better on search engines. It also involves a few Laravel best practices in terms of SEO, like mapping eloquent attributes and meta tags, setting custom templates for the title and page descriptions, and more. The Laravel seoable package optimizes your Laravel web applications to improve search engine rankings.

Github: 34 Stars, 9 Forks

Laravel Mix

Laravel mix

Laravel Mix is known as Laravel Elixir, widely used to create an interactive API for webpack-build steps for your project. This tool is commonly used for optimizing and compiling assets in Laravel application similar to the gulp and Grant.

  • Install Laravel
  • Run npm install
  • Visit your webpack.mix.js file, and get started!

GitHub: 4.9k stars, 796 forks


The purpose of this package is to provide a unique slug – a simplified version of string – that eliminates ampersands, accented letters, and spaces converting it into one case, and this package aims to make users happier with automatic and minimal configuration.

Copy Text
use Cviebrock\EloquentSluggable\Sluggable;
class Post extends Model
    use Sluggable;
     * Return the sluggable configuration array for this model.
     * @return array
    public function sluggable()
        return [
            'slug' => [
                'source' => 'title'

GitHub– 3.3k stars, 424 forks

Laravel Heyman

Laravel Heyman

Laravel Heyman lets you validate, authenticate and authorize rest of your application’s code.

Copy Text
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<phpunit backupGlobals="false"











        <testsuite name="Package Test Suite">

            <directory suffix=".php">./tests/</directory>




        <env name="APP_ENV" value="testing"/>

       <env name="CACHE_DRIVER" value="array"/>

        <env name="SESSION_DRIVER" value="array"/>



        <log type="coverage-clover" target="/tmp/coverage.xml"/>


        <whitelist addUncoveredFilesFromWhitelist="true">

            <directory suffix=".php">./src</directory>


GitHub– 768 stars, 37 forks

Laravel Charts

Laravel Charts

Charts is a PHP Laravel library to handle unlimited combinations of the charts. It is specifically designed to be loaded over AJAX and can be used without any external efforts. Laravel charts package makes use of simple API to create JS logic for your web application.


Copy Text
composer require consoletvs/charts

GitHub– 274 stars, 66 forks

Laravel Form Builder

Laravel form builder is inspired by Symfony’s form builder to create forms that can be easily modified and reused at our convenience. This package provides external support for Bootstrap3.

To install: Via Composer

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composer require kris/laravel-form-builder

To use bootstrap 4

Copy Text
composer require ycs77/laravel-form-builder-bs4

GitHub– 1.6k stars, 297 forks

Migration Generator

Having multiple database tables isn’t something new. Instead, every website has two or more tables to store different forms of data. The Migration Generator Laravel Best Packages is one that allows you to initiate migrations from one table to another. These include foreign keys and indexes, and further, allow you to make a pick of tables involved in the migration.

Installing the package

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composer require -dev "kitloong/laravel-migrations-generator”

Github– 871 stars, 107 forks

Laravel Backup

Create a robust backup of all your data files with this exclusive package, Laravel Back-up. Keeping in mind the need to have the data stored and backed up, developers have designed the Laravel Backup package that creates a zip file of the application along with the data stored within it. The package gives the flexibility to store them at any of the systems.

Installing the package

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composer require spatie/laravel-backup

To take a backup, execute the following command:

Copy Text
php artisan backup: run

GitHub– 4.8k stars, 675 forks

Laravel GraphQL

If you have been accustomed to the concept of using traditional REST architecture, you will love the way Laravel’s GraphQL package behaves. Designed as the data query language, GraphQL makes it easier for developers to define their server structure and embed GraphQL within their apps.

Installing The GraphQL Package

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composer require rebing/graphql-laravel

In case you are using Laravel 5.5 or above, the package would be detected automatically. However, for versions below 5.5, you need to add the following:

Copy Text


Copy Text
GraphQL' => 'Rebing\GraphQL\Support\Facades\GraphQL',

Publish and View The Configuration File:

Copy Text
$ php artisan vendor:publish 


Create Schemas For Designing The Endpoints of GraphQL

Copy Text
'schema' => 'default_schema',

'schemas' => [
    'default' => [
        'query' => [
            'example_query' => ExampleQuery::class,
        'mutation' => [
            'example_mutation'  => ExampleMutation::class,
    'user' => [
        'query' => [
            'profile' => App\GraphQL\Queries\ProfileQuery::class
        'mutation' => [

        'middleware' => ['auth'],

GitHub– 1.7k stars, 221 forks


Tinker is exceptionally useful and one of the top Laravel packages that helps developers test and try certain features without actually writing a script. In other words, the package allows debugging in real-time. Suppose that you want to check a few records in the database or perform specific operations.

The Tinker Laravel Packages would enable you to test and debug on your browser screen in a matter of clicks. The Tinker Laravel plugins has Laravel framework embedded within and hence, eliminates the need to manually install the same when using it with your application.

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app instanceof LaravelApplication && $this->app->runningInConsole()) {
            $this->publishes([$source => config_path('tinker.php')]);
        } elseif ($this->app instanceof LumenApplication) {

        $this->mergeConfigFrom($source, 'tinker');

     * Register the service provider.
     * @return void
    public function register()
        $this->app->singleton('command.tinker', function () {
            return new TinkerCommand;


     * Get the services provided by the provider.
     * @return array
    public function provides()
        return ['command.tinker'];

GitHub– 7k stars, 105 forks


Intervention/Image is one Laravel Packages that allows developers to create, edit, and appealingly modify images. The package is open-source, and developers can use it as per their requirement. In order to install the said package, run the following:

Copy Text
composer require intervention/image

GitHub– 12.3k stars, 1.4k forks

Laravel Slack

With Laravel, you can quickly push all your notifications to the standard slack Channel. However, with the onset of the Laravel Slack package, you now have the ease to simplify things the way you want them to be. The package allows you to send messages directly from the platform to different channels.

Copy Text
class HelloMessage extends SlackMessage
    public $content = "Hey bob, I'm a sending a custom SlackMessage";
    public $channel = '@bob';
\Slack::send(new SlackMessage());

If needed, a dummy can be created to test the feature and functionality of the package.

GitHub– 275 stars, 35 forks

Key Take Away on Best Laravel Packages

With this, we come to an end to the list of top packages for Laravel applications. It is seen that these top Laravel packages are extremely helpful in cutting down the time of development while enhancing the end to end productivity. So, if you are planning to optimize your applications or build a new one, the packages, as mentioned above, would be a great help to take into consideration.

If you are looking for the experts who can do the needful, then hire php developers from us as we are a globally renowned Laravel development company and have helped all the shapes and sizes of businesses to succeed in today’s digital world.

Go check out our helpful Laravel Tutorial page that depicts the expertise and community service of our dedicated Laravel Developers.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

More than 500 Laravel packages are available on CodeCanyon.

Here are the step that you must follow to create a package in laravel:

1. Install the latest Laravel version
2. Create Folder Structure
3. Create a Composer File
4. Load Package from the Main Composer.JSON File
5. Create service Provider for Package
6. Create Migration
7. Create Model for the Table
8. Create Controller
9. Create Routes File
10. Create Views
11. Update Service Provider to Load the Package
12. Updating Composer File

Compared to the other PhP frameworks, Laravel has the best ORM (object-relational mapper). Interaction with Database objects and relationships is easy using this ORM with the help of expressive syntax. Laravel comes with the inbuilt Blade Template Engine.

A middleware helps you to inspect and filter HTTP requests that come through your application. For an instance, Laravel includes a middleware that verifies user authentication of your Laravel app. The middleware is located in the directory: app/Http/Middleware.

It includes best laravel authentication package and session services which are typically accessed via the Auth and Session. The web browser-initiated requests are supported by cookie-based authentication. You can verify the authenticity of a user and their credentials.

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