Quick Summary:

Laravel Nova can be reffered to as one of the most beautifully designed administration or admin panel for Laravel applications. This blog post covers everything you should know about Laravel Nova, how it works, its key features, step-by-step installation, and creating custom components.

Table of Contents


In this dynamic world of web development, where efficiency and user experience are of utmost importance, having a robust, customized admin panel can make all the difference. Laravel Nova emerges as a resilient admin panel tool for developers to create beautifully crafted administration panels for Laravel applications.

With its seamless integration, extensive customization options, and intuitive interface, Laravel Nova helps programmers easily manage their applications’s data, streamline app management, and utilize numerous tools to create custom admin panel dashboards. Nova offers a visually stunning interface that allows developers to build highly interactive and intuitive web experiences. Whether you need to manage complex data structures or get insights on your growing user base, Laravel Nova provides a strong, reliable foundation for building efficient, insightful, and intuitive admin panels.

What is Laravel Nova?

Laravel Nova is basically a premium package provided by Laravel, one of the most popular open-source PHP-based web frameworks. Most individuals consider Nova to be an admin panel generator or a CMS. But in fact, Laravel Nova is meant to serve as an administration panel for Laravel applications, specially designed to help programmers streamline the process of developing and managing complex backend interfaces.

With Laravel Nova, it will be easy, efficient, and hassle-free to build custom admin dashboards from where one can manage the app data, users, and various other resources. Consider Laravel Nova as a premium admin panel tool to enhance your app data management. It transforms the way programmers approach administration panel development. Being an extension of the Laravel ecosystem, Nova offers a comprehensive suite of features and functionalities to simplify complex tasks, build intuitive interfaces, and boost the development process. Laravel Nova is a perfect choice for businesses that seek to integrate a powerful, customizable, and flexible admin panel into their Laravel projects.

How Laravel Nova Works

Laravel Nova functions by operating as a sophisticated tool with the potential to bridge the gap between the Laravel models and the admin panel. Developers can get access to a comprehensive suite of tools and components when working with Laravel Nova. Nova provides all the tools and components only to seamlessly interact with Laravel models, changing your application’s data structures into a dynamic, visually appealing, and customizable admin panel.

With Nova, you can allow end users to experience an intuitive and efficient admin panel interface that simplifies overall data management within the application. You can also ensure a polished and professional look tailored to your application’s specific needs by using Laravel Nova. The straightforward process of setting up Nova facilitates the creation of a fully functional and customized admin interface based on unique application needs. To help you understand it better, here’s a simple breakdown of how Laravel Nova works.


Laravel Nova needs to be installed as a Composer package so that it becomes easy to integrate it into the existing Laravel application. This will add the essential components and dependencies within the app.

To begin using Nova, you need to first purchase the Nova license from its official website. Installing the package and migrating the necessary database tables is very simple and easy, as an individual needs to run only a few commands. This process establishes your admin panel’s foundation and links Nova to your application’s underlying data.


Once the package is installed, it is straightforward to configure Laravel Nova by defining resources that represent your application’s Eloquent models. These resources showcase how your Laravel models are displayed and managed within the admin panel. It also includes what fields, filters, and actions programmers can use.

Additionally, these defined resources speak for the app’s models, such as users, posts, or products. Each of the resources defines the fields and relationships associated with that particular Laravel model. Nova has the capability to automatically create efficient CRUD interfaces for each resource, which further allows managing the app data without the need for writing additional code scripts.


One of Laravel Nova’s most remarkable strengths is its extensive customization capabilities. It allows users to customize nearly every aspect of the admin panel. Whether you need to create custom fields, filters, lenses, or tools, Laravel Nova has got you covered.

Laravel Nova provides essential flexibility during admin panel development, which helps developers build customized, intuitive interfaces that align with the application’s unique needs. If you want to display complex data relationships, build custom admin panel dashboards, or implement particular business logic or functions within the admin panel, Laravel Nova offers the tools and components to achieve these customizations with ease.

Top Laravel Nova Features

Laravel Nova can be referred to as a feature-rich, premium administration panel designed to streamline the development and management of Laravel applications. Designed specially to seamlessly integrate with Laravel, Nova provides a set of features that enhance productivity, simplify development tasks, elevate user experience, and create intuitive interfaces. Here are some of the key Laravel Nova features that make it a valuable tool for developers:

Laravel Nova Features

Resource Management

Resource management is at the heart of Laravel Nova. Nova offers a streamlined interface to smoothly handle numerous data types and relationships. Laravel Nova automatically generates CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) interfaces based on the Eloquent models, enabling effortless data management, user authentication, and content moderation.

Custom Fields

Developers can extend Nova’s functionality with custom fields to meet specific needs, further enhancing the admin experience. Although Nova comprises a variety of built-in field types, it is feasible to create custom fields to meet the specific needs of your application. One can use Nova CLI to build custom fields and get full control of the implementation and design process.


With Nova, displaying custom metrics for Laravel applications can be quick, effortless, and hassle-free. The tool offers built-in metrics and custom metrics to provide valuable insights into your data, such as trends, statistics, and more. Nova provides real-time metrics, allowing developers to track the app’s performance, user behavior, and system health. Decision-makers can also make informed choices with this data-driven approach.


Actions are PHP classes that can help perform actions and operations on multiple resources at once. For example, you could create an action to bulk delete selected records, export data, or define an action to deactivate a group of users. It is possible to create custom actions that are easily triggered through the admin dashboard to perform specific tasks within the application.


By using Laravel Nova, one can create custom filters so users can apply them to quickly find the data they need. On the index page, a variety of filters can be found for each resource. Also, users can view and manage the trashed items by using the soft delete filter. With custom filters, users can filter and search data effectively throughout data sources, improving data management efficiency.


Nova includes powerful lenses to help create custom views of your data, allowing you to present information in a way that is most useful to your users. These lenses are nothing but advanced filters that can be added to the dashboard for users to search for specific data, analyze it, and manage it more effectively.


Laravel Nova shines brightly in offering a powerful system for user authentication. It is easy to integrate Nova with Laravel’s authorization policies to manage user permissions and access control. Through the integration, Nova resources can automatically determine a user’s ability to access specific data in the application by utilizing the existing app authentication policies. You can also get authorization support for tools, actions, fields, relationships, and lenses.

Scout Search Integration

Nova excels at providing lightning-fast search results through the seamless integration of the Nova admin panel with Laravel Scout Search. Once Laravel Nova and Scout are linked together, Algolia and the cloud power the instant search results for users to find data for their specific queries and key terms.

Custom Tools

Nova allows developers to create custom tools and dashboards to extend Nova’s functionality and deliver customized experiences to the user. Custom tools in Nova are basically independent pages one can find in the administration panel. These tools can help perform any custom functionality or tasks, like generating reports, exporting data, or managing resources. Nova allows building custom tools tailored to your business needs.

User Interface

Built with Vue.js, Laravel Nova provides a responsive, modern UI that is both user-friendly and customizable. With Nova, creating intuitive, interactive, and visually appealing user interfaces during admin panel development is a piece of cake. The sleek design and compelling interface allow developers and admin users to navigate, access, and manage application data smoothly.

Customize Laravel Nova to Fit Your Needs

Hire Laravel developer with the right expertise and proficiency to customize your admin panel for optimum functionality.

Laravel Nova: Step-by-Step Setup and Installation

Now that we have explored the powerful Laravel Nova features, like its seamless resource management, rich customization options, and extensive authorization tools, it’s time to shed light on getting started with Laravel Nova. We will help you understand how to install Laravel Nova through its simple setup guide so you can start using Nova in your Laravel project.

Whether you seek to use Laravel Nova for admin panel development, create custom fields, or develop complex but interactive dashboards, installing Laravel Nova is the first step towards experiencing its full potential and compelling features.

First of all, when you are beginning with Laravel Nova setup and installation, it’s crucial to have a Laravel project already installed and running. Once your Laravel application is ready for Nova setup, you can proceed by following the below step-by-step instructions for setting up Laravel Nova:

Step 1: Purchase and Download

  • First, you need to purchase a Laravel Nova license. Nova is a premium product, so you will have to visit the official website to purchase the license.
  • Once you’ve completed the purchase, you’ll receive a link to download the Nova package.
  • Download the Nova package via the provided link.

Step 2: Install Nova

  • The next step is to add the downloaded Nova package to your Laravel project.
  • Open your terminal, navigate to your Laravel project directory, and run the following Composer command.
  • Add Nova to your Laravel project by running:
Copy Text
composer require laravel/nova
Add Nova to Your Laravel Project
  • Then you can setup one time Nova License Username and Password as below:
Setup One Time Nova License - New
  • After installing the Nova package, you can publish the Nova assets by running:
Copy Text
php artisan nova:install

Step 3: Configure Nova

  • You need to configure your Laravel Nova installation by adding the Nova service provider to your
Copy Text
'providers' => [
    			// Other service providers...
  • Laravel Nova needs certain database tables to function appropriately and manage your application’s resources efficiently. You need to run the database migrations to set up Nova’s database tables:
Copy Text
php artisan migrate

Step 4: Set Up Resources

  • Once the installation is complete, you can start configuring Nova by registering resources.
  • Create Nova resources for your Eloquent models. Use the following command to generate a resource:
Copy Text
php artisan nova:resource ModelName
  • Configure the resource fields and relationships in the generated resource class.
Configure the Resource

Step 5: Access Nova

  • You can access the Nova dashboard by visiting /nova in your browser, where you can log in with the credentials set up in your Laravel application.

Creating Custom Components in Laravel Nova

We are sure that following the above steps will help you successfully set up Laravel Nova and integrate it into your Laravel application. Now, you are ready to learn about one of the most powerful features of Laravel Nova, its ability to create custom components.

If you need custom fields, tools, cards, or actions, creating custom components allows you to enhance Nova’s functionality beyond its default capabilities. This gives you complete control over the admin panel’s behavior and appearance. Custom components allow you to extend Nova’s functionality to better fit your needs. Here’s a basic overview of creating a custom component:

1. Generate Component:
Use the Nova CLI to generate a custom component:

Copy Text
php artisan nova:tool Vendor/CustomComponent

2. Develop Component:
Navigate to the generated component’s directory and modify the Vue.js files to develop your custom functionality.

3. Register Component:
Register your component in NovaServiceProvider:

Copy Text
use App\Nova\Tools\CustomComponent;
public function tools()
    return [
        new CustomComponent,

4. Compile Assets:
Compile your component’s assets using:

Copy Text
npm run dev

5. Use Component:
You can now use your custom component within your Nova interface or add it to your Nova resources as needed.


Laravel Nova is indeed a powerful and versatile tool with which one can build and manage administrative panels in Laravel applications. Nova can significantly change the way you manage your Laravel apps. From understanding what Laravel Nova is to exploring the comprehensive Laravel Nova features, we have covered everything you need to know to get started with Laravel Nova. With its comprehensive feature set, customizable components, and seamless integration with Laravel, Nova makes backend development more efficient and enjoyable. It is perfect for creating an efficient, intuitive, and appealing admin panel tailored to your requirements.

We are sure that by following the steps outlined in this guide, you can set up Nova with ease in your Laravel application and craft a magnificent administrative interface. However, if you face any technical issues with the Laravel Nova setup and installation or need professional assistance with it, you can always collaborate with a leading Laravel development company like Bacancy. Connect with the right experts to leverage Nova’s maximum potential for your Laravel projects.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Laravel Nova is a premium-designed administration panel for Laravel applications. It helps developers manage and interact with their application’s data effortlessly. You can get a variety of features when using Nova, such as resource management, custom fields, tools, and granular access control, all within an intuitive interface.

The reason why most organizations are using Laravel Nova is that it provides seamless integration with Laravel. Nova enables easy customization and extensibility of the admin panel while expediting the development process with its built-in components and features. Also, it possesses strong integration with the authentication as well as security mechanisms of Laravel.

Laravel Nova is highly customizable, allowing developers to create custom components. It is feasible to create custom fields, tools, cards, and actions to customize the overall admin panel to specific business needs. The flexibility that Nova provides allows for building a unique, visually appealing, and interactive admin interface that suits your application perfectly.

Nova is designed specially to scale as your application and business grows. The scalability of Nova makes it suitable for both small and large-scale enterprise applications. Nova’s powerful features ensure it can handle complex data relationships and help craft an efficient, intuitive admin interface.

Need Expert Help With Laravel Nova Setup?

Let a seasoned Laravel expert guide you through the technical complexities of setting up or customizing Laravel Nova to your application needs.

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