Our software programmers at Bacancy Technology have been using Node.js for a while now and have come to the conclusion that there are lots of different versions of “the right way” to structure Node.js application. Nodej.js developers from all around the world using Node have gotten to set in their specific ways and might be using their own boilerplate code for their projects. It is really appreciating to discover your own end of a solution, but for the people who are new to the Node or just the beginners, all the boilerplate code and various app structures out on the interwebs can be intimidating.
So here are the 5 key points our programmers have to contemplate as a sort of go-to way to map out Node.js application.
The Basics
Node.js easily get along with the Python, Java, Ruby and .Net as a preferred language for the development of new web applications. The Node.js development team is making the JavaScript modularity and scalability, in a logical way and the JavaScript runtime better, faster and more solid with each passing day. This is the reason; the user community is mounting at a rapid clip.
As Node adoption continues to rise, a number of programmers will climb the learning curve facing similar challenges and coding similar functionalities. Gratefully, the Node.js community has come to rescue with the framework and design patterns that not only assist to solve the general problems but will help in structuring the applications.
Generally, the framework implements MV patterns like model-view-, view model, model-view-controller or just MV. They also inform you about the code for views, models and controllers should be and where should you add configurations. Many Node.js developers do not have an idea about the object-oriented programming, a structure of the code and diagrams to the lines in their application.
This is where the Node.js frameworks like Express.JS and Sails.JS take place. Out there many web applications are available to help kick-start the development project. Regardless of the framework you use, there are certain considerations you will be required to keep in your mind structuring the application.
Through The MVP Pattern
Implementing MVC does not mean generating folders for, views, controllers, and models. You will also be required to divide your logic and code as per the MVC. The model’s code should be only limited to the schema definitions. Programmers do not consider that the models will also have code to perform CRUD operations. Any business logic related to a model should be in this file. The most common mistake is dumping all the business logic into controllers. Ensure to do not format data or sorting or filtration inside the view. Make sure to keep the views clean as it will assist you offer better UX without altering any other component.
The significance of Test Cases
It is very significant to not cut the corner cases while building test cases. Test cases are the guardians of your code base. At the final stage, it is harder to recall the previous scenarios while coding. In such scenario, test cases assist you to keep your codebase stable. Testing prevents valuable development time and effort. It helps to make sure the features are pushed error-free and also helps to improve the code quality by catching bugs.
Logs are Useful to Debugging
Logs provide valuable insights into the behavior of the application. Having too much information is significant, but over-logging will make your job tougher. The bigger the haystack, the harder the terrorist is to find. Under-logging will result in too little information to diagnose or debug.
So, it is advisable to split your online and offline logs. Make use of the recent logs as quick retrieval whereas the older logs to achieve or dump files. Take into consideration of the frequency and duration of your logs as it directly impacts at the amount of storage you will be required. Ensure to not log sensitive data such as email address, passwords, credit card information and phone numbers. It’s not only security risk, but it is not legit.
The Right Directory Structure for The App
At the time of deciding the directory structure of your application, make sure to consider the design pattern you chose. It will assist you with finding a code, onboarding and isolating issues. Our developers prefer an MVC pattern while architecting a Node.js app. It offers developers the flexibility to develop the same data and allows asynchronous isolation between MVC components.
Spinning up Servers is Not Scaling
We personally do not find this approach suitable and do not find it appropriate to think to scale it after you gain traffic. Instead it is advisable to build an architecture, which has the capability to grow from scratch to save time and boost productivity.
Spinning up servers is not distributing load across resources and scaling. I am not asking you to do not spawn new servers at the time of increasing load. Firstly, you should start with load balancing within your existing resource to handle the increased load. If the load balancing can’t deal with the workload, then only you should begin horizontal scaling and spawn new servers. It is not beneficial in scaling the application efficiently, but also make your system easy to recover and fault-tolerant and easy to recover.
Wrapping Up
The structing of application is as significant as choosing the right technology. If the foundations are imperfect in some way, the app will ultimately crash or will refuse to scale or in most cases, it fails to start at all. Make sure to not implement the features or ideas, without appropriate planning and architecture. Bad architecture structure is like a ticking bomb waiting to go off.
Choose Bacancy Technology as your one-stop web application development partner. We are a technologically innovative and advanced Node.js development company. We hold a pool of skillful developers, who have in-depth knowledge and extensive experience. So, if you are looking for an enterprise web application as an innovative solution to your business and advanced services to your customers hire Node Developer from one of the best in the software development industry.